First Aid Treatment for Snake Bites in Australia

Australia is renowned for its unique and diverse wildlife, including some of the world's most venomous snakes. While these reptiles play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem, encountering them in the wild can pose risks, especially if you happen to be bitten. Understanding how to respond to a snake bite is essential for your safety and well-being. In this article, we will explore the first aid treatment for snake bites in Australia, highlighting the do's and don'ts when bitten, the pressure immobilisation technique, and the importance of nationally recognised first aid training such as ETA Training.

What to Do When Bitten by a Snake

Stay Calm: The first and most crucial step when bitten by a snake is to remain as calm as possible. Panic can increase heart rate and spread venom faster through the body.

Immobilize the Affected Area: Keep the bitten limb as still as possible. Use a splint, bandage, or any available material to immobilize the area. This helps slow the spread of venom.

Remove Tight Clothing: Remove any tight clothing or accessories near the bite site, as swelling can occur.

Keep the Bite Below Heart Level: If possible, keep the bitten limb at or slightly below heart level. This can help reduce the flow of venom.

Apply a Pressure Bandage: Use a broad elastic bandage, crepe bandage, or cloth to apply firm pressure over the bite site. Then apply a bandage from the foot or hand and wrap upwards covering as much of the limb as possible. Make sure the bandage is tight but not so tight that it restricts blood flow.

Mark the Bite Location: If you have a pen, mark the bite site on the bandage to help medical professionals identify it later.

What NOT to Do When Bitten by a Snake

Do NOT Cut the Wound: Avoid cutting the wound to try and remove venom. This can worsen the injury and lead to infection.

Do NOT Suck or Squeeze the Venom: Attempting to suck out the venom or squeezing the bite area can increase the risk of infection and spread the venom further.

Do NOT Apply Ice: Ice can worsen tissue damage, so refrain from applying it to the bite area.

Do NOT Elevate the Limb: Elevating the limb above heart level can speed up the spread of venom, so keep it at or slightly below heart level.

Do NOT Consume Alcohol or Caffeine: These substances can increase heart rate, potentially speeding up the venom's movement through the body.

Importance of First Aid Training

It is crucial to receive proper first aid training, like the courses offered by ETA Training Perth, which provide nationally recognised certification. These courses cover a wide range of life-saving skills, including snake bite treatment. Being prepared and knowing the right steps to take can make a significant difference in the outcome of a snake bite incident.

Pressure Immobilisation Technique

The pressure immobilisation technique (PIT) is a primary first aid method for snake bites in Australia. By wrapping a bandage tightly around the affected limb, PIT restricts the flow of venom through the lymphatic system. This technique has been proven effective in slowing the spread of venom and buying time for medical assistance.

Precautions to Avoid Snake Bites

Prevention is the best approach when dealing with snakebites. Some precautions you can take to minimise interactions with snakes include;

·        Wear Appropriate Footwear: When exploring snake-prone areas, wear closed-toe shoes and long pants to reduce the risk of a snake bite.

·        Be Mindful of Your Surroundings: Stay alert and avoid stepping on or near concealed areas where snakes may be hiding, such as tall grass or rocks.

·        Use a Torch at Night: When walking in the dark, use a flashlight to illuminate your path and help spot any snakes.

·        Keep a Safe Distance: If you encounter a snake, stay calm and back away slowly. Do not try to handle or provoke it.

Encountering a snake can be a daunting experience, but knowing how to respond can make all the difference. Remember to stay calm, immobilise the affected limb, apply a pressure bandage, and seek medical assistance promptly. Additionally, enrolling in a nationally recognised first aid training course, like those offered by ETA Training Perth, can equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively to snake bites and other emergencies. Prevention is key, so take precautions to minimise your risk of encountering snakes. By being prepared and taking appropriate action, you can increase your chances of a positive outcome in the event of a snake bite.

All snake bites must be treated as potentially life-threatening. If you have been bitten by a snake, call triple zero (000)and ask for an ambulance.

Additional information on snakes’ bites can be found on the following links;

Snake bite in Australia: a practical approach to diagnosis and treatment

Outback Survival: Snakes and Snakebites – Royal Flying Doctor Service

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