Test and Tag training plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of employees and the integrity of electrical appliances and cord connected equipment. In this article, we will explore various aspects of test and tag training, addressing common questions and shedding light on essential regulations.

Test and Tag Training: Everything You Need to Know

Test and Tag training plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of employees and the integrity of electrical appliances and cord connected equipment. In this article, we will explore various aspects of test and tag training, addressing common questions and shedding light on essential regulations.

What is Test and Tag?

Test and Tag involves inspecting and testing electrical appliances to ensure they are safe for use. This preventative measure helps identify potential hazards and reduces the risk of electrical accidents in the workplace.

How Often Does Test and Tag Need to be Done in the Workplace?

The frequency of test and tag inspections depends on the type of workplace and the nature of the electrical equipment. In the construction, mining and building industry it is recommended to Test and Tag equipment and appliances every 3 months.  However, specific regulations, such as AS3760, outline detailed guidelines on inspection intervals to ensure workplace safety.

What Qualifications Do I Need to Test and Tag?

A person must be competent to undertake the testing of electrical equipment. The competency can be acquired through a combination of training, qualification, or experience.

The testing of electrical equipment requires the specific expertise and interpretation of results, therefore can only be carried out by appropriately trained people who are able to recognise electrical hazards or unsafe conditions.

There are two levels of competency associated with Testing and Tagging;

·        A licensed electrician with the knowledge and skills to use electrical test instruments that give actual readings requiring technical interpretation (insulation resistance meter and ohmmeter).

·        A person not qualified in electrical work uses a pass-fail test instrument known as a Portable Appliance tester (PAT). The use of a PAT requires no technical interpretation. However, the person would need to be trained and passes a competency-based training course for testing and tagging using a PAT.

The course must be conducted by a registered training organisation, such as ETA Training.

Persons carrying out testing and tagging should remain competent to use the appropriate testing equipment.

Do You Need to be an Electrician to Test and Tag?

As previously stated, you do not need to be an electrician to perform test and tag inspections. However, individuals must be competent to undertake the testing of electrical equipment.

This ensures that anyone responsible for test and tag activities is equipped to identify potential electrical hazards and take appropriate actions.

How Long is the Test and Tag Course?

ETA Training deliver nationally recognised test and tag training. The qualification requires the completion of two units on competency. The Test and Tag page on our website provides further details of the two units of competency. The work, health and safety unit is completed online and the second unit is completed in-person within a day.

AS3760 and AS/NZS3012 Regulations

AS3760 outlines the in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment and residual current devices (RCDs). This Australian standard provides a comprehensive framework for conducting test and tag activities, ensuring a systematic and thorough approach to electrical safety. This standard also applies to electrical appliances and leads that are brought into the workplace.

AS/NZS3012 specifically addresses electrical installations on construction and demolition sites. Compliance with this standard is essential for maintaining safety in dynamic environments where electrical hazards may be more prevalent.

Test and Tag Regulations

In addition to the AS/NZS3760 Standards, various regulations govern test and tag procedures. These regulations are in place to ensure uniformity and a high level of safety across different industries. Staying informed about local regulations is crucial for compliance and maintaining a safe work environment.

Do I Need Experience to Do a Test and Tag Course?

No prior experience is required to enrol in a test and tag course. These courses are designed to cater to individuals with various backgrounds, providing them with the necessary skills to perform inspections competently. Whether you are a novice or have some experience in the field, completing a test and tag course is a valuable step toward enhancing workplace safety.

ETA Training Test and Tag Course

For those seeking a reputable training provider, ETA Training offers a comprehensive Test and Tag Course. This course covers all aspects of test and tag procedures, ensuring participants are well-equipped to carry out inspections in compliance with industry standards.

Test and tag training is a critical component of workplace safety, addressing the potential hazards associated with electrical equipment. Understanding the process, regulations, and qualifications needed is essential for creating a secure work environment. By staying informed and completing a recognised training course, individuals can contribute to the overall safety and well-being of their workplace.

Useful Links

ETA Training - Test and Tag Course

ETA Training - Test and Tag Online Store

Guide to testing and tagging portable electrical equipment and residual current devices at workplaces

Safe Work Australia

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